What was your beginning with BDO like? 
BDO was a lot smaller when I first started, but has grown over the years — in a good way. I have never felt that we are too large or that I didn’t know everyone in the office. When we have new staff come in, I frequently hear one of their complaints from their previous employer is that they never knew at least half of the people and no one knew who they were either. That is very important especially when you are a student and just starting out. Everyone is important and should be made to feel that way. 

What does being part of the BDO family mean to you?  
A sense of security, it’s my extended family. I work with so many people that I consider an extension of my family. 

What makes you proud to be a part of BDO 100?  
BDO being around for 100 years is amazing, but there are a lot of us that have been with BDO for quite a long time and that says something in itself. People move from company to company, but here in the Winnipeg office, there are many that have been here since the beginning of their careers. And I have been lucky enough to have grown to know them quite well. I know them, their spouses, and children so it is a very special thing that has drawn us to BDO. That makes me very proud and I think BDO is also very good to their staff. Some people work for years at their company and barely get a thank you or connect with their peers. We are overall, very blessed. 

How do you feel you have made a difference at BDO? 
I have been asked for my opinion on various issues and happenings for the Winnipeg office, and yes I feel I make a difference as I have the pleasure to helpAlso knowing pretty much everyone in the office, whereas some staff only get to know a few people. Reception definitely has its perks. 

Why would you recommend BDO to someone else? What would you tell others outside of BDO? 
I would recommend BDO to others and have over the years! I really don’t have to say much as I’ve been here for almost 35 years and still enjoy my job, which speaks for itself. Clients quite often say that to me, too.  

Cindy Smith
Office Administrator, Winnipeg

What made you want to be a part of the co-op program?
I wanted to go beyond class learnings and gain hands-on professional experience. The co-op program at BDO allows you to experience the firm’s culture and working environment from a student perspective, which I saw as a fantastic opportunity to determine if I would be a good fit.

What was it like starting your career at BDO?
Starting my career at BDO was super exciting as I was eager to begin my journey in consulting. At the same time, it was nerve-wracking entering such a large firm and stepping into a new line of work. However, I did not expect to be greeted with such an amazing and supportive team that ensured I started off on the right track.

Describe BDO in one word.
Innovative. I believe that BDO is not just innovative in its work, but also the culture. While our firm works to provide innovative solutions for clients, BDO supports an innovative culture that embraces employees from various backgrounds and encourages creativity to be shown both inside and outside the office.

What do you value about your role at BDO?
In my role, I am able to combine both of my passions for technology and helping others. There is always something new to learn within the technology consulting team, making every day unique, fun, and challenging. More so, I love going to work knowing that I am making a difference for both clients and the BDO team.

What kind of support have you received at BDO that’s worth sharing with others?
On my first day at BDO, my mentors and coworkers made it known that they are always available to support my learning progress and career development. I am sure I can speak for many interns that it can sometimes feel intimidating or embarrassing to ask for help. However, at BDO, I have never felt uncomfortable when seeking help on projects or even career advice. Without the amazing support from my team, I could not see myself being where I am today at BDO. 

Brian Law
Co-op student, Calgary

What made you choose BDO?
The people I met during university recruitment were very approachable. A friend from school was working for the firm and shared a lot of great aspects about working at BDO.

How do you feel you make a difference at BDO?
My positivity with coworkers, establishing lasting relationships, and all the fun I have with everyone on my team.

Why would you recommend BDO to someone else? What would you tell others outside of BDO?
We have the chance to work in several industries during the year and with several teams, facilitating integration and exchanges, which creates lasting relationships and friendships.  

What’s your fondest memory at BDO? 
Participating in the dance at the Christmas party with the group Richie Rich and the Bad Boys to raise money for the Drive Away Hunger campaign.  

What’s it like working with your team? The department? The firm? 
I am glad to have a team with open communication and transparency, which makes for a healthy work environment. We all support and help each other to progress and learn on a daily basis.

Othman Iraa-Sbai
Senior Accountant, Montreal

What was your beginning like with BDO?
I started my career as an A&A co-op student in our Oakville office in January 2007. At the time we had approximately 40 employees in the entire office. Once this pandemic is over, I’ll be back in Oakville, just with 450 more colleagues! BDO has changed a lot over the years, but many of the relationships I built at the start of my career have grown with me to where I am today. 

How have you felt empowered throughout your career at BDO?
Over the years that I have worked at BDO, my life has changed pretty drastically as I proceeded to get married and have kids — I went from being able to focus solely on my job to having to split my time and attention between my job and family. I used to believe that it wasn’t possible to do everything and have struggled with the give and take between my personal and professional priorities knowing that both of these aspects of my life are equally important to me. The fact that I can look back and say I squashed my own beliefs, and I have been doing it all, I find that empowering. 

What do you want for BDO’s future?
The pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Moving forward BDO has already acknowledged that employee flexibility in work arrangements will be key. I’m looking forward to seeing some strategies to transition seamlessly between home and office while maintaining connections and building teams. 

What kind of support have you received at BDO that’s worth sharing with others?
My relationships are one of my favourite things about my time at BDO and each of these relationships supports me in different ways. I have been fortunate to have some top notch coaching both within the A&A practice and more recently being aligned with a strong female leader who is able to relate to the phases of my career and personal life. Additionally, the individuals I work most closely with have supported my ability to step away from work when I need to and trust that the task will still be accomplished. 

What’s your fondest memory at BDO?
I don’t think you can spend 14 years somewhere and not develop a lot of fond memories, but I do have a favourite. It’s a quintessential memory and a right of passage for many employees at BDO. It’s the day I passed the UFE. At that time, when you passed your exams, all of the partners in the office would be waiting for you to join them for a celebratory lunch.  

People in your family are happy for you when you pass your exams, but the people you work with, they get it. Once everyone settled into lunch all of the partners started telling stories and reminiscing about the day they found out they passed their exams. It’s a moment that sticks with you. I loved being able to connect with the partners on a human level and leaving all aspects of work and tasks and deadlines behind. It’s a day I know I’ll never forget.

Krista Tartaglia
Senior Manager, Oakville

How have you felt empowered throughout your career at BDO?
I came to BDO through a merger that happened over 10 years ago and I was very excited about the possibility of the merger when it happened. We were a large independent firm in Calgary and by merging with BDO we gained many resources that were difficult to come by as a local firm.   

BDO has given me many opportunities. I have held several roles from being an HR partner for the Calgary office to industry roles in energy and then in not-for-profit and education. I also held a quality role for a time. I am proof that many opportunities are available here if you are willing to reach out and work hard. 

What’s it like working with your team? The department? The firm?
The people in our firm are amazing — they are truly why you go to work in the morning. I love that we have such diverse teams as it allows us to see things through different lenses and builds a culture of continual learning. That is what I love best about the team I work with, I learn something new every day! 

What did becoming a partner mean to you?
I became a partner with the predecessor firm before we joined BDO. Becoming a partner is a huge responsibility. You are now responsible for the career development of many people and ensuring that they can become the best at their craft in a safe and encouraging environment. You are also ultimately responsible for the delivery of client work and the quality of same. It is not something that can be taken lightly. As a partner the success of the team and your clients, and ultimately of BDO as a firm, is more important than you as an individual. 

What do you want for BDO’s future?
I want BDO to still be here 100 years from now. I want them to have the courage to embrace change and to know when they have to move on from what worked in the past. As I said previously, we are diverse and we need to ensure we listen to diverging opinions and change our own mental models when they no longer suit us. This ensures we will be the firm that not only attracts the top talent, but also retains our talent to become the next generation of leaders.  

How do you feel you have made a difference at BDO?
I hope I have made a difference by improving BDO’s reputation in the industries I work in. I also hope that I have influenced some of our people to do better, become better, and to help thrive at BDO or wherever their life journey has taken them. 

Lorraine Walker
Partner, Calgary

What do you value about your role at BDO?
As a manager in the A&A practice, the relationships I have built with my clients and fellow colleagues over the past seven years is what I value most.

Describe BDO in one word.

Can you provide your perspective on what it’s like working in the BDO Halifax office?
I love working in our Halifax office as I truly believe I have the best colleagues in the world! Our office offers a unique experience working with amazing talent as we build relationships with our clients across many industries. As our Atlantic Canada office continues to grow, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with clients, staff and partners in both Newfoundland and PEI, which I also really enjoy.

What makes you proud to be a part of BDO 100?
I’m proud of how far BDO has come in 100 years, and I’m looking forward to contributing to the next 100!

Why would you recommend BDO to someone else? What would you tell others outside of BDO?
I always recommend BDO as we get to operate in a bit of a sweet spot: a big firm mentality with a small firm feel. As one of the big five firms, we have the national brand recognition, resources, and technologies that accompany a large firm, but still have a small firm feel with direct access to partners and a focus on the mid-market.   

Jessica Skinner
Manager, Halifax

What was your beginning with BDO like?
I came to Canada from the Caribbean as an international student. Starting as a junior accountant with the first firm of my choice was a significant milestone. It was very important for me to be able to practice in both French (mother language) and English, and BDO was able to offer that.

Can you provide your perspective on what it’s like working in the BDO Winnipeg office?
The Winnipeg office was at the onset very welcoming and supportive when I started. The culture is such that we focus on each individual’s situation and tailor the approach to allow everyone to be successful. I went through my articling years with the firm and building a family at the same time. The flexibility and support I was provided was tremendous.

What did becoming a partner mean to you?
It means being able to share my knowledge, experience, and my desire to support the office and others the same way I was supported. It’s also about accepting many challenges and contributing to the solution — I really enjoy the entrepreneurial spirit and being able to make a difference.

What’s your fondest memory at BDO?
When I found out that I successfully passed the CPA, one partner in our office offered to look after my two youngest kids at the time. The idea was that my wife and I who had gone through many years of sacrifices could celebrate together for marks day. This to me is the best example of why BDO is about helping people achieve their dream.

What makes you proud to be a part of BDO 100?
100 years is a significant milestone and having the opportunity to celebrate that in itself is very exciting. Not everyone can say they were around when that happened.

Johan Macces
Partner, Winnipeg

What did becoming a partner mean to you?
Being a partner in a local Edmonton firm before merging with BDO and becoming a partner in the firm on August 1, 2000 opened many doors. We were now a team of 30 with access to a much greater suite of in-house services locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The new possibilities were amazing. The support and mentorship I received were key to my growth as a professional, which would never have been available to me if I had not become a partner. The management roles and board positions, meeting and working with so many amazing BDO team members across the firm is a highlight of my time at BDO. 

How have you stay involved with the firm since your retirement?
Before the pandemic, I came into the office for the monthly tax luncheons so it was great to see team members. Now I stay in touch with various team members by phone and email. 

How did you embody BDO values within your team?
As a leader it was important for me to embody BDO values in everything I did. Integrity, respect, and collaboration are at the core of personal, firm, and client success. I trusted that everyone would operate under our values. 

How did you see BDO change over the years?
There was tremendous growth and change over the years, both across the firm and in Edmonton. In Edmonton we went from 30 to over 130 team members becoming one of the largest offices in the country. The firm evolved from a group of offices working under the same banner to a firm collaborating across the city and provincial borders.

Describe BDO in one word.
Opportunity. Opportunity for professional growth and career progression. Opportunity to specialize in an area you’re passionate about. Opportunity to work with great clients while helping them succeed. Opportunity for mobility within Canada and the global network. Opportunity for input in the future direction of the firm.

Gerald Sinn
Retired Partner, Edmonton

Can you describe what it’s like to be a fourth generation accountant?
My great grandfather owned a competing accounting firm in Toronto and apparently rented office space to Colonel Dunwoody when he moved to Toronto. My grandfather took over my great grandfather’s firm, merged with Dunwoody & Co., and was a partner for many years in Toronto. My dad articled with Dunwoody & Co. and then went into international banking. I studied economics and left as an accountant. I started with another accounting firm, but joined BDO when I moved cities. So it definitely wasn’t planned from the beginning, but I’m very happy with how it turned out! BDO feels like home to me and I’m happy how things came full circle.

What did becoming a partner mean to you? 
It was an honour to join the BDO partnership. I suppose it was validation of many years of hard work and I was grateful that I was given the opportunity.   

What do you want for BDO’s future? 
World accounting dominance and maybe a fifth generation Jackson! 

How have you seen BDO change over the years?
BDO has certainly changed a lot over the years — I’m sure my great grandpa would be amazed! The improvements in technology and the growth in services provided are significant. I’m also encouraged by the firm’s inclusion and diversity initiatives and hope to see continued improvement in that area in the future. 

Describe BDO in one word. 

Pat Jackson
Partner, Barrie

What made you choose BDO?
I went through the recruiting process during university, having essentially no knowledge of the various accounting firms. People always talked about finding the right “fit” and admittedly, I was skeptical that I would be able to tell the difference between all of the firms. However, through all the recruiting sessions, I found myself gravitating toward BDO because the people I met were immediately welcoming. I really felt like I would be at home. When it came time to choosing between offers, the experience I had with BDO made it an easy choice. 

How have you felt empowered throughout your career at BDO?
I have always felt any idea or initiative is fully supported and encouraged by the firm and the leadership group. The support I have received to help me execute on meaningful changes, no matter how big or small the idea, is one of the biggest things that has kept me motivated throughout my career. I have also had so many great mentors over the years from various areas of the firm who have supported and encouraged me to focus on truly finding my own career path. Their mentorship has been invaluable and shaped my perspective and approach to my career.

What’s it like working with your team? The department? The firm?
I like to encourage my teams to work collaboratively toward a common objective, rather than only thinking about tasks they are assigned. The concept of the BDO team should also be extended to beyond just the core team and include different departments and different offices — essentially all the right people within BDO that will allow the team, and ultimately our clients to achieve their objectives. It’s also really important to me that we help one another out wherever we can. If someone is completely overwhelmed with work, the team should step in and help out, regardless of their role/title.  

How have you seen BDO change over the years?
There has been a big shift to working with BDO teams across the country, which has made us a much stronger team. The one positive thing that has come out of the pandemic is geographic location doesn’t matter as much since everyone has to work virtually. It’s been excellent to have the opportunity to work with other teams across Canada that have very specific industry or technical knowledge, whereas previously we may have been reluctant to do this due to physical location. This shift continues to change our concept of the BDO team. 

How do you feel you have made a difference at BDO?
The mentorship that I received over the years has been invaluable and it’s really important to me to mentor others. I think this can completely change someone’s experience at the firm and can have a positive impact on them even if they leave the firm. For myself, I keep in contact with people who have been meaningful mentors to me through the years, even if they are no longer with BDO. This is true for people I have been a mentor to as well. It’s incredibly rewarding to have a positive impact on someone and be part of helping them grow personally and professionally not only at BDO, but also through their post-BDO career. 

Samantha Fan
Senior Manager, Vancouver


From co-op students to seasoned employees and partners, this month highlights past and present BDO people and features their reflections on career development, experiences, and memories.

10 reflections from 
partners and employees at BDO Canada 


What made you choose BDO?
I went through the recruiting process during university, having essentially no knowledge of the various accounting firms. People always talked about finding the right “fit” and admittedly, I was skeptical that I would be able to tell the difference between all of the firms. However, through all the recruiting sessions, I found myself gravitating toward BDO because the people I met were immediately welcoming. I really felt like I would be at home. When it came time to choosing between offers, the experience I had with BDO made it an easy choice. 

How have you felt empowered throughout your career at BDO?
I have always felt any idea or initiative is fully supported and encouraged by the firm and the leadership group. The support I have received to help me execute on meaningful changes, no matter how big or small the idea, is one of the biggest things that has kept me motivated throughout my career. I have also had so many great mentors over the years from various areas of the firm who have supported and encouraged me to focus on truly finding my own career path. Their mentorship has been invaluable and shaped my perspective and approach to my career.

What’s it like working with your team? The department? The firm?
I like to encourage my teams to work collaboratively toward a common objective, rather than only thinking about tasks they are assigned. The concept of the BDO team should also be extended to beyond just the core team and include different departments and different offices — essentially all the right people within BDO that will allow the team, and ultimately our clients to achieve their objectives. It’s also really important to me that we help one another out wherever we can. If someone is completely overwhelmed with work, the team should step in and help out, regardless of their role/title.  

How have you seen BDO change over the years?
There has been a big shift to working with BDO teams across the country, which has made us a much stronger team. The one positive thing that has come out of the pandemic is geographic location doesn’t matter as much since everyone has to work virtually. It’s been excellent to have the opportunity to work with other teams across Canada that have very specific industry or technical knowledge, whereas previously we may have been reluctant to do this due to physical location. This shift continues to change our concept of the BDO team. 

How do you feel you have made a difference at BDO?
The mentorship that I received over the years has been invaluable and it’s really important to me to mentor others. I think this can completely change someone’s experience at the firm and can have a positive impact on them even if they leave the firm. For myself, I keep in contact with people who have been meaningful mentors to me through the years, even if they are no longer with BDO. This is true for people I have been a mentor to as well. It’s incredibly rewarding to have a positive impact on someone and be part of helping them grow personally and professionally not only at BDO, but also through their post-BDO career. 

Samantha Fan
Senior Manager, Vancouver

Can you describe what it’s like to be a fourth generation accountant?
My great grandfather owned a competing accounting firm in Toronto and apparently rented office space to Colonel Dunwoody when he moved to Toronto. My grandfather took over my great grandfather’s firm, merged with Dunwoody & Co., and was a partner for many years in Toronto. My dad articled with Dunwoody & Co. and then went into international banking. I studied economics and left as an accountant. I started with another accounting firm, but joined BDO when I moved cities. So it definitely wasn’t planned from the beginning, but I’m very happy with how it turned out! BDO feels like home to me and I’m happy how things came full circle.

What did becoming a partner mean to you? 
It was an honour to join the BDO partnership. I suppose it was validation of many years of hard work and I was grateful that I was given the opportunity.   

What do you want for BDO’s future? 
World accounting dominance and maybe a fifth generation Jackson! 

How have you seen BDO change over the years?
BDO has certainly changed a lot over the years — I’m sure my great grandpa would be amazed! The improvements in technology and the growth in services provided are significant. I’m also encouraged by the firm’s inclusion and diversity initiatives and hope to see continued improvement in that area in the future. 

Describe BDO in one word. 

Pat Jackson
Partner, Barrie

What did becoming a partner mean to you?
Being a partner in a local Edmonton firm before merging with BDO and becoming a partner in the firm on August 1, 2000 opened many doors. We were now a team of 30 with access to a much greater suite of in-house services locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The new possibilities were amazing. The support and mentorship I received were key to my growth as a professional, which would never have been available to me if I had not become a partner. The management roles and board positions, meeting and working with so many amazing BDO team members across the firm is a highlight of my time at BDO. 

How have you stay involved with the firm since your retirement?
Before the pandemic, I came into the office for the monthly tax luncheons so it was great to see team members. Now I stay in touch with various team members by phone and email. 

How did you embody BDO values within your team?
As a leader it was important for me to embody BDO values in everything I did. Integrity, respect, and collaboration are at the core of personal, firm, and client success. I trusted that everyone would operate under our values. 

How did you see BDO change over the years?
There was tremendous growth and change over the years, both across the firm and in Edmonton. In Edmonton we went from 30 to over 130 team members becoming one of the largest offices in the country. The firm evolved from a group of offices working under the same banner to a firm collaborating across the city and provincial borders. 

Describe BDO in one word.
Opportunity. Opportunity for professional growth and career progression. Opportunity to specialize in an area you’re passionate about. Opportunity to work with great clients while helping them succeed. Opportunity for mobility within Canada and the global network. Opportunity for input in the future direction of the firm.

Gerald Sinn
Retired Partner, Edmonton

What was your beginning with BDO like?
I came to Canada from the Caribbean as an international student. Starting as a junior accountant with the first firm of my choice was a significant milestone. It was very important for me to be able to practice in both French (mother language) and English, and BDO was able to offer that. 

Can you provide your perspective on what it’s like working in the BDO Winnipeg office?
The Winnipeg office was at the onset very welcoming and supportive when I started. The culture is such that we focus on each individual’s situation and tailor the approach to allow everyone to be successful. I went through my articling years with the firm and building a family at the same time. The flexibility and support I was provided was tremendous. 

What did becoming a partner mean to you?
It means being able to share my knowledge, experience, and my desire to support the office and others the same way I was supported. It’s also about accepting many challenges and contributing to the solution — I really enjoy the entrepreneurial spirit and being able to make a difference. 

What’s your fondest memory at BDO?
When I found out that I successfully passed the CPA, one partner in our office offered to look after my two youngest kids at the time. The idea was that my wife and I who had gone through many years of sacrifices could celebrate together for marks day. This to me is the best example of why BDO is about helping people achieve their dream. 

What makes you proud to be a part of BDO 100?
100 years is a significant milestone and having the opportunity to celebrate that in itself is very exciting. Not everyone can say they were around when that happened.

Johan Macces
Partner, Winnipeg

What do you value about your role at BDO?
As a manager in the A&A practice, the relationships I have built with my clients and fellow colleagues over the past seven years is what I value most. 

Describe BDO in one word.

Can you provide your perspective on what it’s like working in the BDO Halifax office?
I love working in our Halifax office as I truly believe I have the best colleagues in the world! Our office offers a unique experience working with amazing talent as we build relationships with our clients across many industries. As our Atlantic Canada office continues to grow, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with clients, staff and partners in both Newfoundland and PEI, which I also really enjoy. 

What makes you proud to be a part of BDO 100?
I’m proud of how far BDO has come in 100 years, and I’m looking forward to contributing to the next 100!

Why would you recommend BDO to someone else? What would you tell others outside of BDO?
I always recommend BDO as we get to operate in a bit of a sweet spot: a big firm mentality with a small firm feel. As one of the big five firms, we have the national brand recognition, resources, and technologies that accompany a large firm, but still have a small firm feel with direct access to partners and a focus on the mid-market.  

Jessica Skinner
Manager, Halifax

How have you felt empowered throughout your career at BDO?
I came to BDO through a merger that happened over 10 years ago and I was very excited about the possibility of the merger when it happened. We were a large independent firm in Calgary and by merging with BDO we gained many resources that were difficult to come by as a local firm.   

BDO has given me many opportunities. I have held several roles from being an HR partner for the Calgary office to industry roles in energy and then in not-for-profit and education. I also held a quality role for a time. I am proof that many opportunities are available here if you are willing to reach out and work hard. 

What’s it like working with your team? The department? The firm?
The people in our firm are amazing — they are truly why you go to work in the morning. I love that we have such diverse teams as it allows us to see things through different lenses and builds a culture of continual learning. That is what I love best about the team I work with, I learn something new every day! 

What did becoming a partner mean to you?
I became a partner with the predecessor firm before we joined BDO. Becoming a partner is a huge responsibility. You are now responsible for the career development of many people and ensuring that they can become the best at their craft in a safe and encouraging environment. You are also ultimately responsible for the delivery of client work and the quality of same. It is not something that can be taken lightly. As a partner the success of the team and your clients, and ultimately of BDO as a firm, is more important than you as an individual. 

What do you want for BDO’s future?
I want BDO to still be here 100 years from now. I want them to have the courage to embrace change and to know when they have to move on from what worked in the past. As I said previously, we are diverse and we need to ensure we listen to diverging opinions and change our own mental models when they no longer suit us. This ensures we will be the firm that not only attracts the top talent, but also retains our talent to become the next generation of leaders.  

How do you feel you have made a difference at BDO?
I hope I have made a difference by improving BDO’s reputation in the industries I work in. I also hope that I have influenced some of our people to do better, become better, and to help thrive at BDO or wherever their life journey has taken them. 

Lorraine Walker
Partner, Calgary

What was your beginning like with BDO?
I started my career as an A&A co-op student in our Oakville office in January 2007. At the time we had approximately 40 employees in the entire office. Once this pandemic is over, I’ll be back in Oakville, just with 450 more colleagues! BDO has changed a lot over the years, but many of the relationships I built at the start of my career have grown with me to where I am today. 

How have you felt empowered throughout your career at BDO?
Over the years that I have worked at BDO, my life has changed pretty drastically as I proceeded to get married and have kids — I went from being able to focus solely on my job to having to split my time and attention between my job and family. I used to believe that it wasn’t possible to do everything and have struggled with the give and take between my personal and professional priorities knowing that both of these aspects of my life are equally important to me. The fact that I can look back and say I squashed my own beliefs, and I have been doing it all, I find that empowering. 

What do you want for BDO’s future?
The pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Moving forward BDO has already acknowledged that employee flexibility in work arrangements will be key. I’m looking forward to seeing some strategies to transition seamlessly between home and office while maintaining connections and building teams. 

What kind of support have you received at BDO that’s worth sharing with others?
My relationships are one of my favourite things about my time at BDO and each of these relationships supports me in different ways. I have been fortunate to have some top notch coaching both within the A&A practice and more recently being aligned with a strong female leader who is able to relate to the phases of my career and personal life. Additionally, the individuals I work most closely with have supported my ability to step away from work when I need to and trust that the task will still be accomplished. 

What’s your fondest memory at BDO?
I don’t think you can spend 14 years somewhere and not develop a lot of fond memories, but I do have a favourite. It’s a quintessential memory and a right of passage for many employees at BDO. It’s the day I passed the UFE. At that time, when you passed your exams, all of the partners in the office would be waiting for you to join them for a celebratory lunch. 

People in your family are happy for you when you pass your exams, but the people you work with, they get it. Once everyone settled into lunch all of the partners started telling stories and reminiscing about the day they found out they passed their exams. It’s a moment that sticks with you. I loved being able to connect with the partners on a human level and leaving all aspects of work and tasks and deadlines behind. It’s a day I know I’ll never forget.

Krista Tartaglia
Senior Manager, Oakville

What made you choose BDO?
The people I met during university recruitment were very approachable. A friend from school was working for the firm and shared a lot of great aspects about working at BDO. 

How do you feel you make a difference at BDO?
My positivity with coworkers, establishing lasting relationships, and all the fun I have with everyone on my team. 

Why would you recommend BDO to someone else? What would you tell others outside of BDO?
We have the chance to work in several industries during the year and with several teams, facilitating integration and exchanges, which creates lasting relationships and friendships.  

What’s your fondest memory at BDO? 
Participating in the dance at the Christmas party with the group Richie Rich and the Bad Boys to raise money for the Drive Away Hunger campaign.  

What’s it like working with your team? The department? The firm? 
I am glad to have a team with open communication and transparency, which makes for a healthy work environment. We all support and help each other to progress and learn on a daily basis.

Senior Accountant, Montreal

What made you want to be a part of the co-op program?
I wanted to go beyond class learnings and gain hands-on professional experience. The co-op program at BDO allows you to experience the firm’s culture and working environment from a student perspective, which I saw as a fantastic opportunity to determine if I would be a good fit.

What was it like starting your career at BDO?
Starting my career at BDO was super exciting as I was eager to begin my journey in consulting. At the same time, it was nerve-wracking entering such a large firm and stepping into a new line of work. However, I did not expect to be greeted with such an amazing and supportive team that ensured I started off on the right track.

Describe BDO in one word.
Innovative. I believe that BDO is not just innovative in its work, but also the culture. While our firm works to provide innovative solutions for clients, BDO supports an innovative culture that embraces employees from various backgrounds and encourages creativity to be shown both inside and outside the office.

What do you value about your role at BDO?
In my role, I am able to combine both of my passions for technology and helping others. There is always something new to learn within the technology consulting team, making every day unique, fun, and challenging. More so, I love going to work knowing that I am making a difference for both clients and the BDO team.

What kind of support have you received at BDO that’s worth sharing with others?
On my first day at BDO, my mentors and coworkers made it known that they are always available to support my learning progress and career development. I am sure I can speak for many interns that it can sometimes feel intimidating or embarrassing to ask for help. However, at BDO, I have never felt uncomfortable when seeking help on projects or even career advice. Without the amazing support from my team, I could not see myself being where I am today at BDO. 

Brian Law
Co-op student, Calgary

What was your beginning with BDO like? 
BDO was a lot smaller when I first started, but has grown over the years — in a good way. I have never felt that we are too large or that I didn’t know everyone in the office. When we have new staff come in, I frequently hear one of their complaints from their previous employer is that they never knew at least half of the people and no one knew who they were either. That is very important especially when you are a student and just starting out. Everyone is important and should be made to feel that way.

What does being part of the BDO family mean to you?  
A sense of security, it’s my extended family. I work with so many people that I consider an extension of my family. 

What makes you proud to be a part of BDO 100?  
BDO being around for 100 years is amazing, but there are a lot of us that have been with BDO for quite a long time and that says something in itself. People move from company to company, but here in the Winnipeg office, there are many that have been here since the beginning of their careers. And I have been lucky enough to have grown to know them quite well. I know them, their spouses, and children so it is a very special thing that has drawn us to BDO. That makes me very proud and I think BDO is also very good to their staff. Some people work for years at their company and barely get a thank you or connect with their peers. We are overall, very blessed. 

How do you feel you have made a difference at BDO? 
I have been asked for my opinion on various issues and happenings for the Winnipeg office, and yes I feel I make a difference as I have the pleasure to help. Also knowing pretty much everyone in the office, whereas some staff only get to know a few people. Reception definitely has its perks.

Why would you recommend BDO to someone else? What would you tell others outside of BDO? 
I would recommend BDO to others and have over the years! I really don’t have to say much as I’ve been here for almost 35 years and still enjoy my job, which speaks for itself. Clients quite often say that to me, too.  

Cindy Smith
Office Administrator, Winnipeg

From co-op students to seasoned employees and partners, this month highlights past and present BDO people and features their reflections on career development, experiences, and memories.

10 reflections from partners and employees at BDO Canada

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